Saturday, today's blog will be extra long...huhuhuhuhu
1. Lets start off with myself first. Do you all notice that i've wearing that bandage on my middle-finger??? It not for show or to emphasize my middle-finger when insulting people but because of sprained ligaments between the bones of the finger. I think its because of playing basketball either goalkeeping during that football match. So my instinct told me to keep my finger straight till it get better. I tried to put an external supporter(splinter) then bandage my finger around it but, by doing so, i cant write or type nor even click the right mouse button. So i just bandage my finger tightly. At least my finger doesn't bend to much... Now i think my finger is all ok...i think, still feel pain but im A-OK!
2. I think i lost my self-confidence. Seems hard to speak to people nowadays. D why, even a simple "Hi" is pretty hard to say...maybe someone played voo-doo to me. I've been pretty quiet on certain occasions which im suppose to be not quiet. But i hope all those shouting in class and complaining to teachers help me regain my self-confidence....
3. Being a monitor is like some job destined for me. Im not boasting or what but to be honest, i notice only few people who were not elected as prefects were suitable for the job. Maybe this is the reason why I'm not elected as prefect...maybe just maybe its a message from Big Guy upstairs to lead the class. :) Although i said im destined to be a monitor, its still a hard job to handle. You need to remember to bring that "ponteng file" whenever you have a class in the labs or suffer the consequences of going up and down the school. Then you have to cleverly shout "Good morning" or "Selamat pagi" coz you dont wanna shout when the teachers is still talking or busy chattin right??? Other than that, you will often get some odd task to do like get that, get this during certain awkward moments. Then you gotta pick(mostly force) the guy which you see "the most free" to read the morning prayer. Luckily, 4A is a class with a lot of prefects meaning that, if the class is noisy more than a zoo, i wouldnt get scolded, instead the whole class would...
There's one thing i hate about being a monitor, that is being under-appreciated and over-expected. If you dont do this, the teachers will give you "the look" then if i do that, the teachers often accept my work like a pinch of salt...well thats the life of a monitor...At least i got a status higher than a normal student and got to wear a tie...yes, i know im vain and status-minded XP... Now we move on to the events that happened during this last few days...
Went into the theatre quickly, picked our sits, relaxed and enjoyed the classic chinese songs. Then those lodgians(not the one that i stated earlier)came in and ruined all the mood. Jeremy and Les sat with their lodgians "friends" respectively while i sat in row with the rest. Before the movie starts, Dan and Log went off somewhere. Around an hour later, Les and Jeremy went out with their "friends", somewhere. Then, halfway through the movie Dan came back with Log nowhere to be seen...HMMMMM. We enjoyed the movie and we came out with Ed talking about how "close" some of the characters are and Jon yapping about him becoming a cop. Suprisingly, Atton able to understand the complex story of the movie. We then decided to go to Coffee Bean, while we heard the lodgians are going to cramped their arse in Bings. On the way to CB, Jude's car passed him and he was forced to follow his dad, we laugh our heads off when that happened. Bet he's not happy coz we and Ashley were there. Sigh, he was suppose to chia us at Bings. We arrived at CB only to know that most of the stock were finished so we head up to Bings eventhough they're number of Lodgians there.
After a long walk we finally arrived at the beautifully furnished, high-standard shop, modern-Thai oriented place called Bings. I was expecting a number of lodgians there but i only noticed Les and Jeremy there with their Lodgians "friends", who were quietly enjoying themselves. Hate to be rude, we entered and relaxed and waited for Ed's and Atton's car to pick them up. While we relaxed, Les, Jeremy and their "friends"(refered to four people) left us for McD while Ed and Dan nicely ordered some drinks for themselves... After the rest went home, leaving me and Dan only, i decided we should go back to CB and look for my stuff i wanted to buy. On the way we stumbled into those four people again.
After a quick chat, we went into Tun Jugah's Popular to buy something then ran to Sarawak Plaza to buy something. Dan make some jokes about my shopping taste which i laughed with him non-stop. After all that, we sat outside CB, waiting for our parents to pick us up. Those four people came back to CB but Jeremy had to go back earlier leaving Les and the two girls. Les was pretty uncomfortable with the rest of the girls so we forced ourself to sit with them in CB. Had a nice chat with those people before my parents came(which they claimed i went out for a date that day)to pick me up for dinner at Hui Sing afterwards.
The things i bought is a suprise...hehehe only Dan knows why i bought a card and a bar of chocolate...
5. Sigh...i was wrongly accused of going out on a date just because because i was sitting next to a girl. Thats the most ridiculous moment i had that day. I wouldnt mind if im claimed to go out with somebody i love but this, just because sitting next to girl which i barely know is just plain ridiculous. Gah...atleast something to tell to my grandchildren...XP
6. About scouts...well today's meeting is pretty much all learning no action meeting. We sit and forced ourselves not to sleep while Mr. John Lim told nice stories.
Well thats it...very very very long eh? Sorry la...
ps: jimmy+siao bi & les+firefly(ummm dont spread it around:P)