Tune up that volume and LETS PARTEEEY!!!!
1. I feel all change and renewed after that nap...kinda strange though, the enviroment was noisy with the TV on plus occasional shoutings between my sis and my bro...i still can sleep...
Now i feel like going to some pub or club and party all-night...hehehehe
2. Barely understood physics today...but i can cope with it...History like any day...is still boring, most of the time the gang were drawing some 'Love Map' which we try to include everyone in(including me) in any way possible...so the 'Love Map' was kinda bullshit from the beginning...
3. You call this blog "EMO"??? How dare you! Fine, i ease up the "EMO" in it...with this ^&#$! What was that? $^%&# you! Hehehe just joking...
Wow isnt that a 'good' response for my bulletins...hmmm wonder wat other 'wonderful' comment will i get...
4. Last night i bet most of 4A's sleep late...really im not lying...we were doing our physics report like tomorrow is 'not' judgement day...
However, our physics teacher was not impress and we all were just like...owh #$#% it man...
5. Hmmm...I think im NOT nominated for prefects, oh well nevermind, it was choosen democratically so i have no hard feelings against it...although im pretty sure the teachers were kinda corrupted or simply blind...how could Mo[here, im insulting]get nominated while im not???
So, all that good kid act never paid off eh? Damn...waste of time...hehehe
Strange but i'll just let it be...God's will, ntg much i can do against it unless He somewhat create some 'miracles'...
6. I think, i think, im all better now...my flu is almost cured and i dont cough that much...cough cough...
7. Oh yeah, tomorrow there're some test i think...Add Maths(uh oh...) and Bible Knowledge(hmmm...)...maybe i'll start studying after this blog...
Now i feel like...like playing some games but i still some homework and study to do...owh $%& man...hehehe...
Sorry if i said to much bad stuff up there...all energetic rite now...bet i will be pretty much quiet next morning...
Enjoy "DVNO" by the Justice!!! LETS PARTEEY TILL DAWN!!!!
ps: sorry if i havent reply message to some people...
pss: sorry if i message too much to some people...
[image: dinosaur-02]
The post Dinosaur first appeared on SPACE AVALANCHE.
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7 years ago
1 Pity This Post:
why can't you put ur bulletins in ur blog?
wouldn't that be same thing, and much more convenient?
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