Gah!...Election election...i kinda get tired of it.
How i wish this country is all republic or communist country(just cut the atheist part).
1. So hows the holiday people? Mine is a bit boring. But this just few days of the holiday. Ok it was not a bit...ok im very bored rite now. Damn...i cant take this! Need to do something exciting, outrageous and fun. (and "clean")
2. About the election...yeah i heard few stories about it. One thing though...i dont really care! Hehehe...
But i heard some people got hurt because of this thats awful man. Just because of one guys opinion...he got beat up. Sigh...i thought this was a democratic and peaceful country...
Hope some republic party put down this election method. Hehehe
3. Today i found out that national tv channels have interesting info-mercial and commercial. Very entertaining and very...bah wat the heck...the national channels are full of time wasting crap! Luckily i got astro but still commercial is everywhere...can there just be a commercial-free channel...
4. Old games are really the "marijuana" during this long holidays. Just pick up any old games and play it Very fun indeed. Brings back old memories...
5. MSN is very annoyin lately. It keeps popping out whenever somebody sends me message when i put it appearing offline while im writing a blog...
Someone bring this up to Bill Gates...
6. Another complain of the day...whenever i lay down, either on the bed or the couch...i'll fall asleep...sigh...
Is this some kind of sickness?
7. Been thinkin...i wana wear contact lenses. So hard to recognise people with these pair of old broken eyes...
Hope i can persuade my parents to get myself contact lenses. I've bin asking alot of stuff lately...hope to get some stylish lenses too...ones with pretty i meant "COOL" designs..
Well as you can see i didnt put much up there...coz today boring like poop! Well at least im going out tomorrow...tuition...bully Jon...
I got few fantastic plans for tomorrow...laugh with me: MUAHAHAAHAHAAHAHA...
Well hope to see anyone i know during this boring moments...
ps: jon u sneaky dare you touch my camera... hey jon how come u delete all the "good looking" pictures of you?
pss: deer shooting? its fun but deer are fast and slick...hard to shoot with unscope rifle...wat? i nvr shot a deer yet...i rather shoot jon...hehehe
[image: dinosaur-02]
The post Dinosaur first appeared on SPACE AVALANCHE.
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7 years ago
1 Pity This Post:
i'd preferred communism too...
but it ain't suitable for countries wif many races
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