Due to that, banyak benda akan jadi sangat bosan sehingga saya pun malas nak memblog. So say in BM. But I will try my best to blog like i used to...
So whats up my beloved (sort of) readers? Udah makai? Kalo belum egi makai la!
Tough this week was, so many stuff to do, so many games to play, so many pains to endure, so little time to do all that. But anyway its been a good one. Results came in, didnt expect much but hey thats enough for me. If you didnt really revise and study and put more effort this time around, you will feel like this. If I did study, either the sky will fall down or I will rasa best with my results or jadi gila if my results macam taik kambing.
What to blog about? I dunno...nothing cool to blog about. Hmmmmmm...
Did you all know our Sejarah and Pendidikan Moral is the lessons with the most crap in it. No offense to those who 'loves' these subject but honestly, it just full of crap. Lets start off with Sejarah Form 4...
Ok, you might say learning History/Sejarah is very important to us mankind, i totally agree. But if any of you have read Form 4's Sejarah books, you might find the Lembaga Pendidikan is just being a jerk or in other words, LEMBAGA (devil in English) to us poor students. Why? Damnit!!! Its like they just focus on the Islamic religion, nothing else. From the start, its like some cheap cut out info from wiki. Yeah, there is the Romans, the Neolitics and the Srivijayan but this all just to cover up and makes the students feel at ease that Sejarah Form 4 is actually interesting. Then come the Islamic part. Im dont dislike Islam but hey, this whole textbook is like the whole wiki entry to the Islamic religion foundation to the coming of Islam in our country. Then they just finish it off with economy so that we wont feel like we're being converted undirectly. The goverment should be a bit general. I know this country is an Islamic country but its a DEMOCRATIC country. They should at least put some other religions in if they like to talk about religion so much.
Now Moral. How I dreaded Moral ever since I started Secondary school. I thought Moral suppose to teach people to be moralefull. But our Moral is like teaching the students how to be rasional and friendly-in-the-outside kind of ROBOTS. How can we become good people by remembering words by words and doing formated essays and answers. Atleast when the Malays study Islam and the Christian take Bible Knowledge, and we all know why we should remember some parts of it.
Ok Im tired being stressed out. Time to take a nap.