Last week was the best, last-minute-study-everything week...
I felt like I was like Flash. I read so fast...I think I didnt even understand what the hell am I reading. I was so fast...I still got the time to play some games.
i've been seeing too much of this lately...
Not to mention the TIPS flying around here there. I would honestly say I relied on TIPS on some papers. But TIPS are tips to me...they came in when I already almost finish speed reading my books.
It was a fiasco after bunch of kids went berserk after seeing Physics TIPS was mostly bogus.
the only manga-free image after google image searching "berserk"
Me and some of my friends were quite content that we forced ourself to read mostly everything after certain suspicions that "light" did not enter the TIPS but we were still not happy coz we only read MOSTLY everything.
Then came Maths...where everyone thought it was a walk in the park coz Dewa Maths might bring mercy to us now. But was hell...or I think it was.
Dewa Maths actual photo...
And here comes Chemistry...where I think everything I speed read, went out with my crap the night before.
Luckily Friday marks the end of the ass-banging week. UNFORTUNATELY...we had SEJARAH EXTRA CLASS where the attendance was only 12. So much for 1Malaysia....wait the reason was this...
drawing may not be according to scale and reality...
Later after that class, got Examination Mass for form 3's, 5's and U6's. When I reached the church grounds...I was greeting and saying hi to some of my juniors and friends. What I get was not a hi but...
"Vic, can you help be a warden????"
Since Mr. Tay asked so nicely...but would I say no eh? :P
It was a fantastic mass with...scantily clad girls with super shorts walking here and there, Father giving most of the ppl the BURN with the quote "...I see none of most of these faces here today during Sunday mass..." Maybe he's referring to me... >.> Wardening is fun. Its like people giving you money for no reason :D
Later on that day after the mass, after mum ADVISED me to skip tuition...Me and Dan hitch a ride in Mo's Mobile and went to MBO for some late night action movie.
They say we become less waras with ourselves after a long day frying and overusing our brain. I believe that's true after we all agreed on watching Far Cry. Yeah the so called "based on the best selling game".
he's wearing my pants...
The movie was like the baby of Barney the Dinosaur, Jude Lim and Arnold Schwarzenegger threesomes. Lame jokes flying everywhere, cheeziness here and there and the bloody Arnold wannabe accent. Even these guys do better...
We were amazed that we survive the entire movie...the trip to McD and back home was pretty quiet. We were dumbstruck by the movie. Or we just realised how smart we were compared to the actors and actresses...
Bla bla bla bla bla bla...boring weekend...bla bla bla...
Last paper is Chem Paper 3. But for me and Alis...We have Art left. To the Brother Albinus class...they gotta resit their paper (^.^) and to the accountants, they have their accounts paper too. Owh well...if you take extra subject for the fun of cry.
Too much will get this...i mean check yours now if you dont believe...
Modest transfer campaign before season 4
Blog post 902 Hello guys, It's time for True Football Manager story! Today
I'm ready to share, first and foremost, my summer transfers, renewed squad
seems like
to know everything
to believe you yourself is right
to think that im always wrong
always changed
many days n nights
some i enjoyed