*Sesiapa yang kena tag, kena tulis 10 sesuatu berkenaan orang yang meng'tag' dia:
1. She's Joanne Kathleen Rowling or J. K. Rowling... :P
2. I do not know her surname...
3. Her blog link in here somewhere...
4. She's the cousin of Kel...
5. I do not know much bout her...
6. Hey look a butterfly =.=...
7. Seriously...
8. Whaaattt??? Im not wasting the 10 answers' space...
9. She lives in Bintulu...i think...
10. Merry Christmas!!! :)
*Orang yang kena tag kena tulis 10 perkara sesuatu pasal diri mereka:
1. I like curry... (damn...this reminds me of that chicken curry...now im hungry)
2. I'm now hungry...
3. I want to move to Italy or Sicily due to food and women...
4. I smells...
5. I had my first breakfast since District Camp last Christmas...
6. I'm giftless after Christmas and Boxing Day...owh wells...
7. People still thinks im taken when im actually not...whats up with that?
8. I think girls who play games (and actually beat me) are unique...
9. I think boys who play games (and actually beat me) are just ass-es who rasa pro...
10. I still want something to eat...
*At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names:
1. Julius
2. Stefan
3. Jon (dont laze around...blog man!)
4. The fella who called himself Donkai :)
5. Roland
6. Gabrielle
7. Lina
8. Kel (and thats not KEL-vin...agik rasa do twice)
9. Vic (hey look i tagged myself =.=)
10. Imphotep (and yes...Egyptians do have Internet)
Now I get it why people loves tagging so much...
Happy Living the Rest of Christmas Week