Saturday, January 10, 2009

Yay! First Scout Meeting!

Yay! Best duh! Most of the time we talk about crap and stuff, planning activities, bla bla bla bla...
ooooooo magic rugby ball...hear my wishes...

Nothing much to say other than our old senior Sir Javier visited us and there will be alot of activities for this year. nyer...

"this sucks yo..i wana go home"

Then our big boss started this bloody game. Who and why this game is created...its better we didn't know anything of it.

I bet some of them enjoyed it...

Then later the gang went out with Mr. Birthday Boy! Due to the bloody rain...nothing fun can be done without getting a bit wet in all different places. Even places we knew will never get wet...

Nothing eventful except that Dan, Ed and me have decided to make Monday a very eventful day for Mr. Jude. Owh yeah i won a bowling game for the first time. (psst...thats my first time playing bowling) Beat that birthday boy! Im so proud of myself...

Other than that...I stared at Monica Belucci's poster at Parkson cosmetic area for some time and it makes the salesperson giving me the weird looks. Why? Nothing better to stared at ba...

So finish here liao. Wana play DotA.


rasa best li muka


ANAK...LIM -tut- -tut-




the two AWESOME CUN-- i mean KHANS

Friday, January 9, 2009


Remember some time ago i said DotA sucks...well it still is but the weird thing playing it eventhough it sucks. Maybe im mad...but thats how i look at CS too. It sucks but people say im pro at it...(rasa best statement here). So if i think DotA sucks...maybe i'll be pro at it...hehehehe...

So there goes the first week of school. So far so good. Maybe coz i didnt even stayed back this week. Hehehehe...

Homework semakin bertimbun tapi kita semua masih ok. Homeworks...just lazy to do everything in one go. I take it easy and do it one by one, little by little, day by day. And that is how you can become an A-Star me...

Something up with the school though. Its still the first week of school and yet they will start the cross-country event already. Whats wrong with you people? Luckily i cant run coz im a disabled man with no sex organ...>.>

The word "Sundun" is the main hype for today. It all started from Leslie. And all i can say...what the heck is sundun? Muka sundun? You sure its not sunat? Muka sunat la if like that... >.>

eg. of muka sunat

To those who doesnt understand WTF is sunat...its circumcision...still don't understand? Go wiki and find it out...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

There Should Be A-Tube!

Somebody told me Bible class starts this week...
But since Bible class starts next week...
Got some free time to blog...

So whats an A-Tube?

Its not another *ahem* tiub merah type of site...

Its like YouTube but instead of showing some sissy ass like Fred or an idiot stripper dancing or an overweight Minister dropped down while giving a talk in will show the daily havoc and madness of our class 5A!

We should put a CCTV up in the ceiling somewhere. After a few days, I tell you, the A-Tube will be an internet legend like LOLcats and failblog.

After 2 days I can see we'll have a wonderful and exciting year coming ahead of us...

Example of the daily madness in the class...

Jon raping Lester...>.>

Sudden tiger show infront of the class...

Lester singing randomly now and then...

James doing his stuff...

The shouting of father's name from side to side...

And much much moar...


During add maths class, my add maths teacher was doing her routined patrolling while checking people's work and when she came to my table and was about to check my work...the first thing she said was...

AM T: Hello, Mr. Chin. Ooo...where've you been?
Vic: W-w-what???
AM T: You look look more buff...
Vic: (like always i misheard what people said) Eh? I feel fine... =.=
AM T: You've been working out eh? Gym whole holiday?
Vic: Ummm err yea...=.="
AM T: (proceed to checking my work)
Vic: =.=""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Lets hope she doesnt read my blog...but i actually like it anyways...sounds wrong somewhat...

Monday, January 5, 2009

First Pint of School

Hows the first day of school?

Everyone got their seats...well mostly everyone. Scribbling your initial all over the table really doesnt work though but it makes a nice deco for your table. There was a WWE Royal Rumble over one table.

With next match up will be in Bio and Chems lab...expect more. Subscribe now to Astro Sports Box Office... =.=

Hey we learnt about vibrator today. Nice...

Nah pictures...courtesy of Dan.

With this picture...habislah cerita saya untuk hari pertama sekolah saya tahun ini...

Vic: James you suck!

James: What?! Im gonna rape you...

Vic: =.=

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The End and The Beginning...

Armageddon is say the Mayan... No wonder they went extinct. is the last of holiday and tomorrow is the first day of school. Yay!!! 

Can't wait to show off my new head. Ummm my hair on my head i mean...not the other head--- =.= nevermind...

Suppose to sleep early last night so that can enjoy more today but due to few friends who cant seem to sleep and failblog which will often makes me laugh like my heart...i sleep like 0230. 

I hope nobody takes my seat tomorrow. I've scribbled the letter V all over the table during registration day. NOBODY WILL STOP ME FROM GETTING THAT SEAT! NOBODY...

Well everyone...enjoy your first day of school. 

Now I feel like looking for my missing bag and pencil case now. What? You never lost your bag before? Well its better than forgetting to bring your bag to school eh? *Looking at a number of silly people*