29th May, 1.00am, celebrating my birthday on the early morning with a tin of Tiger Beer...and challenge myself to drink the whole tin...
come'on lets DO THIS!!! gulp...
Anyway, i drank the whole tin after much effort and the constant need to vomit after few hard sips. Head was spinning like hell once i went to bed. Woke up with body red like lobster and hot like salsa. Owh yeah, aint i always HOTT? Note to all: BEER AINT GOOD, STICK WITH WINE OR BACARDI OR VODKA.
29th May, 9.00pm, Celebrating With Family At McDonald...thought of going to a fancy Western Restaurant but this will do...TRY OUT MEGA MAC!!!
Thats the big baby...Mega Mac, with 4 patties instead of 2 patties like Big Mac...can i finish it?
Errr nop...too much i had to tapau back home...
The box looks nice...and so is the burger...
Ate up too much french fries that day. Ordered like 5-6 large french fries. Luckily able to washed everything down with a couple of Sundaes....YUM. Note to all: IT MIGHT BE BIG, BUT TRUST ME, YOU ALL BETTER STICK TO BIG MAC. MEGA MAC WILL BLOW UP YOUR STOMACH, BUT IT DOES MAKE UP A NICE MEAL FOR YOU AND YOUR MATE TO SHARE OR EAT TOGETHER.
Well thats all i suppose. Time for another plan now. An outing with friends(who mostly didnt say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me...owh well).
ps: hmmmm...i dunno who to ask out...everyone i know have done a great deal of good deeds to me...time to use the Russian roulette style
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Can't stomach 1 can of tiger? You gotta work on it more.
It's real easy for me this year =D
was it a belated birthday or wat? oh nvm. happy birthday/belated/early.
stef: sigh...dont rasa best...next time we chelen...
gab: a big great "HUH?" thx anyway...heheh
ps: to all...me birthday is on the 29th...so belated then..ehehe
Can, come lah. We chelen. I accept your "invitation"
Beer? Ugh... I dun even drink shandy. Bleeh. Lol.
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