Second match...0-4...aiii
They were like using me as shooting target most of the time. I nearly dislocated my thumb man! Whats up with all of you? Thats why i still prefer classic ol' football on the real grassy pitch. Nothing beats the beautiful classic game. Plus we didnt reach our targeted goal, reaching the finals. Susah-susah...
The good thing was that we were out with a win, at least. My keeping was not that remarkable today, below average i would say. Although i saved many great looking shots, but i did let in some silly ones too, like i kicked the ball which deflected my teammates and in to my own net. Owh well, being a keeper aint that easy. Trust me.
I ended up getting injured all over my body. Sprained thumb and wrist. Gash on the left knee. Right side of hip cramped. Maybe i really need insurance.
After the event, i was forced to wait for another few hours since my dad need to do some errands. So i took the time to eat lunch at KFC (thats the name of my team). Burned most of my money that time and i was feeling so lonely too since i was eating all alone. Then i went back to wait for my dad. While waiting i noticed few stuff.
Well thats my Monday people. I hope everyone have a better one than mine. I wonder how Stef is doing in KK, banyak cabo sui-sui, a phrase that KK-visitor (including me^^) in my class used to describe KK. I think he's up to no good like always...hehehe.
ps: maybe i need some tutoring and refreshing for my performance is below-par, or maybe i shud use specs wen playin...nerd keeper!!!
1 Pity This Post:
ooo...tough luck XP
i do use specs when becoming keeper
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